Monday, November 10, 2014

Painting in egg tempera-the Alice Walker Homestead

Hi all. Here is a slide show of the progression of my latest egg tempera painting, a representation of the Alice Walker homestead near Eatonton, Georgia.

I painted this pieces to hang in the Georgia Writer's Museum in Eatonton. The museum represents the works of Georgia writers including Alice Walker maybe best known for The Color Purple. Walker has written several other novels, including The Temple of My Familiar and Possessing the Secret of Joy, collections of short stories, poetry, and other works. Also Flannery O'Conner best known for Wise Blood and A Good Man is Hard to Find among two novels and 32 short stories. Joel Chandler Harris, creator of best known for Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings and wrote novels, narrative histories, children's literature, and collections of short stories about Georgia rural life.

I hope you enjoy viewing my painting process.

Abandoned Rural America Show at the 2014 Cotton Gin Festival

November 1, 2014 Cotton Gin Festival Show

On November 1 the ARA artists displayed for sale some of the work that reflects the Abandoned Rural America Project. We also showed an ARA video version throughout the show in the lobby of the Lucy Agnes Hotel in Bostwick, GA. It was an uncharacteristicly cold and blustery day. Many of the visitors who came to see the parade didn't stay long for the other aspects of the Festival.

In this newest version of the ARA show we included the work of Kate Lebherz-Gelinas. Kate is an artist-craftsman with a focus on fiber arts and hand carved tools. Kate has created crochet hooks from a variety of materials. She lives on a small homestead in Middle Georgia with her husband and daughter and there, she harvests many of the materials for her hooks.

Below are some images relecting the show set-up and some photos of the show visitors.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Working on an egg tempera painting for the Georgia Writers Museum in Eatonton

Hi all

Here is a link to my YouTube video of a recent egg tempera painting for the Georgia Writers Museum. I was commissioned to paint the Alice Walker original home when she was growing up in Georgia for the Alice Walker room at the museum.

I went to the property in early 2014 and photographed the site for reference material. You will see that, after laying in the initial drawing and adding some color with water soluble colored bars, I began painting in egg tempera. One thing I especially added was the color purple wherever feasible to reflect her Pulitzer Prize winning novel "The Color Purple".

 You'll notice in the video that, as the painting progresses, I paint over areas and repaint in details and color. This is, since egg tempera is translucent and the layers beneath will influence the topmost layers as time goes by, the painting will actually look richer in the future. I hope that you enjoy viewing the process of painting this special work.

Thank you
